Friday, 12 December 2008

Some children's bracelets
Given my very (very) limited computer skills, I have to say I'm rather chuffed with my Christmas coloured blog. Yes, I know others will have theirs all singin 'n' dancin, but believe me when I say, I gave myself a wee gold star when I found out how to do it. So don't laugh...much.

This black and white necklace was also one of the most popular pieces and I think I may have to make one for myself. Like I don't have enough jewellery already, lol.

3 strand cuffs

I made lots of these in loads of different autumn and winter colours. Ice blue, berries, wicked pinks, just to name a few. These were really popular with friends. They look really good when on.

I've been working flat out to make jewellery for friends and friends of friends. It's been great, loads of lovely comments about my work, but, whew, ready for a break for a few days to catch up on my own Christmas stuff. Here's a little of what I've made