Wednesday 27 May 2009

I've been asked to make a coronet style crown with the peaks which drop over in a fairy style. This is the skeleton of it which will then be bound with wire and beads - well when they arrive.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Oooh, can't believe it was February I last posted! What have I been doing?
Well lots actually, but most of it boring, so I shan't waste your time by telling you.
On a better note, I haven't wasted all my time on the mundane, but have been playing away with my beautiful beads. I've done a spring fair at our school and it went reasonably well, yay!
I've been trying to widen my beading horizons too, and I've made a few tiaras, and generally played with wire a bit more to improve my skills in that area. Piccys soon.